Adobe设计成就奖(Adobe Design Achievement Awards)是举世瞩目的为高等学府的设计专业和电影专业的学员设立的奖项。是为了奖励那些在设计和艺术领域有着杰出技术和能力的学生们。比赛作品的范围包括利用Adobe公司软件制作的个人作品以及团队作品。而参赛人员的范围含盖了来自世界上著名高等学府的图形设计师(graphic designers)、摄影师(photographers)、插画师(illustrators)、动画师(animators)、数字电影制作人(digital filmmakers)和电脑艺术家(computer artists)等。
2006年Adobe设计成就奖一共设立了9个奖项,这些奖项对来自24个国家的学生进行开放。每个奖项的第一名将获得$5000 US的奖金,并且可以出席于2006年7月20日在加拿大多伦多举行的颁奖大会。此外还有Adobe公司的软件产品和参观其工作室的机会。
台湾刘耕名获得2006ADAA动画大奖。他的作品为《Travel Diary》
Keng-Ming Liu studied Entomology at National Taiwan University, frequently visiting Mount Lala to collect specimens and enjoy the beauty of nature. The memory of discovering various kinds of beetles and fascinating butterflies became the source for Liu’s inspiration in producing his animation, “Travel Diary.” This piece represents the completion of his MFA degree in Computer Art at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. By employing his naive but sophisticated handmade art and fast-cutting motion graphics, Liu not only surprises his audience with colors and layers, but also presents an exploration of creativity and self-expression.
“Travel Diary” is a 2D animation using collage, video, photography, stop motion, compositing, and traditional illustration skills. Being alone in New York pushed me into a dark corner, and I released my anxiety by communicating with my friends throughout the world. I condensed my thoughts and feelings into travel diaries, attempting to illustrate the stark differences between countries and cultures in various ways and awaken everyone’s desire to travel. The beauty of art is revealed with the words we write down, the sketches we draw, the stickers people put on our luggage, and every piece of life we experience.
Tools used:
First, I drew every image by hand and scanned them into Adobe® Photoshop® CS2, where I adjusted the levels and removed the backgrounds in order to create the alpha channel as a matte for the animation. I also separated the components of my characters’ bodies into different layers to have more detailed control over their movement. Next, I used Adobe After Effects® as the animation and compositing software to invent the world that my drawings inhabit. Specifically, I used the Vector Paint effect for animating stroke and the 3D camera to create depth of field in the animation.
