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 对话——玛格南大师班 Ⅱ

作者:swallowtail 时间: 2008-03-31 文档类型:转载 来自:Leica中文站

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学生作业都是上传到学校的服务器上的,在好奇心的驱使下我去看了其他班级同学的作品,这一看让我非常激动,其中来自新加坡的Tay Kay Chin(前一天遇见的亚洲面孔)的作品极具创意,完全改变了我们对于传统经典作品的观念,他所在的David Alan Harvey的班级所有学生对他的作品发出了一致的喝彩,以后的每一天review里,大家都对他的新作报以极大的期待,就连David Alan Harvey这样的大师都说 "Now, Let's forget all those B&W classic pictures, move on a new level." 与此同时,在CHRIS ANDERSON的班级里,新形式的作品也得到了极大的肯定,传统意义上构图和光影都完美的照片在传递的同时,更多的“作者影像”和观念也在被接受,如果按照以前的判断标准,估计其中很多照片我会毫不犹豫地扔进垃圾箱,但是当我把这些照片放在一起时,我看到的完全是一个新的组合,这个组合的力量来源于摄影师对影像的控制,而不是被完美影像控制的摄影师

random walk,photo by Tay Kay Chin:

random walk,photo by Tay Kay Chin:

random walk,photo by Tay Kay Chin:

今天下午,Tay Kay Chin发给我一封信,在得到他的同意后,我也在这里分享给大家:

I have visited your blog a few times to see what others have to say. Thought I should tell you a little bit of what I was thinking. Of course you are free to share with the rest.

Before I went to Oslo, I was very nervous. The Magnum photographers are great heroes to me. I admire almost all of them. I kept thinking what can I do to impress them? In fact, weeks before, I did a lot of research on the Internet, even contacted a belly dancer who I thought would make a sexy photo essay. I also researched a lot on the social condition, immigration issues, etc.

Then suddenly, I told myself: I was only going to be in Oslo for a few days, nothing that I do will have any depth. I decided at that very moment that I should just have lots of fun, enjoy the photography process and do things that I don't usually do. For me to do that, I needed to have a certain level of confidence, that even if nobody liked my images, I was just going to have fun.

For this I have to thank David a lot a lot. When he saw my portfolio (10 pairs of images from Singapore) on the first day, he told me that I should just go out and do what I had been doing. He said I should not worry about making a in-depth story.

First thing I did was to lock up all my Canon cameras and went out with only my Epson with one lens. I didn't even have a flash.

So I just went out and have lots of fun making images. I would be lying to say I was not thinking about how and which two images can work together.

Thank goodness I came back with a few good ones every day.

This way of working is not new to me. I do it almost every time I am on a holiday, when my mind is not determined to engage anything political, or social.

This to me, is a regular exercise in seeing and composing. Yes, it is basic photography. In musical context, it will be like playing the scales, or a warm-up piece on the piano - very basic but at the same time very important in getting me into the psychological level where I can take serious images.

I think most people will be more comfortable looking at my more traditional stuff, like my project on Filipino maids. Those are different, that kind of projects require different set of muscles.

I have reached a level in my own work when I am more likely to kill myself for not doing well, then to wait for others to tell me so. Often times, I reach a level of self-destruction, where I can't even see, not to mention make pictures.  All things considered, I am really more interested in my personal happiness. The whole world can like something I do but if I don't, then it is quite meaningless.

So this thing I did in Oslo, is a great help to me. I have fun, and I am reconnected. Now that I am warm up, I can now try to face the real race!



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