<% Class DataTable public Function UpdataSql(sql) If sql<>"" then Opendatabase conn.execute(sql) Closedatabase End If End Function End Class %>
<% sql = "delete from cnarticle" set UpdateDate=new DataTable UpdateDate.UpdataSql(sql) %>
<% sql="insert into cnarticle(cn_title,cn_author,cn_content) values(' "&whattitle&" ',' "&whoauthor&" ',' "&whatcontent&" ')" opendatabase conn.execute(sql) closedatabase %>
考虑到可能删除语句我们会这么写: sql="delect from cnarticle where id in(1,3,5,6,7,8)"
<% Class DataTable dim tempvalue public Function DeldataSql(tableName,DelField,id) If tableName<>"" and id<>"" then sql="delete from "&tableName If isnumeric(id) and instr(id,",")=0 then sql = sql & " where "&DelField&" = "&id Else sql = sql & " where "&DelField&" in ("& id &")" End If Opendatabase conn.execute(sql) Closedatabase tempvalue=true Else tempvalue=false End If DeldataSql=tempvalue End Function End Class %>
<% '用于查询数据 Class DataTable '查出记录 public Function SelectData(sql) If sql<>"" then opendatabase Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 If not Rs.eof then Thedata=Rs.GetRows(-1) Closedatabase Else Closedatabase End If End If SelectData=Thedata End Function '查出记录条数 public Function SelectDataNum(sql) If sql<>"" then Opendatabase Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 If not Rs.eof then Thedata=Rs.GetRows(-1) Closedatabase Num=ubound(Thedata,2) Else Closedatabase End If End If SelectDataNum=Num End Function '使用select count(*) from tablename 查出记录有数 public Function SelectCountNum(sql) If sql<>"" then Opendatabase Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 If not Rs.eof then Thedata=Rs.GetRows(-1) Closedatabase Num=Thedata(0,0) Else Closedatabase End If End If SelectCountNum=Num End Function '将查询的数据全部生成隐藏值 public Function GetHiddenData(sql) dim tempvalue If sql<>"" then Opendatabase Rs.open sql,conn,1,1 If not Rs.eof then Thedata=Rs.getRows(-1) TheFieldCount=rs.fields.count For i=0 to TheFieldCount-1 TheFieldList = TheFieldList & Rs.fields(i).name & "," Next Closedatabase TheField = split(TheFieldList,",") For i=0 to TheFieldCount-1 tempvalue = tempvalue & "<input type=""hidden"" id="""&TheField(i)&""" name="""&TheField(i)&""" value="""&Thedata(i,0)&""" />" Next Else Closedatabase End If End If GetHiddenData=tempvalue End Function public Function UpdataSql(sql) If sql<>"" then Opendatabase conn.execute(sql) Closedatabase End If End Function public Function DeldataSql(tableName,DelField,id) dim tempvalue If tableName<>"" and id<>"" then sql="delete from "&tableName If isnumeric(id) and instr(id,",")=0 then sql = sql & " where "&DelField&" = "&id Else sql = sql & " where "&DelField&" in ("& id &")" End If Opendatabase conn.execute(sql) Closedatabase tempvalue=true Else tempvalue=false End If DeldataSql=tempvalue End Function End Class %>
经典论坛讨论: http://bbs.blueidea.com/thread-2776671-1-1.html
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