Participant Tasks 参与者任务
Task 1
This is the homepage of a Web site dedicated to Web-related accessibility issues. Please give me your initial reactions to this page. Feel free to explore this page as you normally would. You can scroll around with your mouse, but please don't click on anything just yet. 这是一个有关WEB可及性网站的首页。请告诉我你对这个页面的第一反应。就像你平时一样自然的浏览这个页面吧。你可以滚动页面,不过暂且别点击任何东西
Faciliator will ask: 测试员提问 * Have you ever seen this Web site before? 你以前见过这个网站吗? * Please give me your initial impressions about the layout of this page and what you think of the colors, graphics, photos, etc. 请告诉我你对这个页面布局的第一印象,以及对颜色、图形图像等的想法 * Without clicking on anything yet, please describe the options you see on the home page and what you think they do. Feel free to move around the page, but again I’ll ask you not to click on anything right now. 先不点击任何东西,请描述你在首页上看到的选项、你觉得是做什么用处的。可以滚动页面,不过再次提醒现在不要点击任何东西 * Without clicking on anything yet, if you were exploring, what would you click on first? 如果你在浏览,还没有点击过任何东西,你会先点击什么? * What do you think is the purpose of this site? 你觉得这个网站的目标是什么? * Who do you think this site is intended for? 你觉得这个网站是用来干什么的? * Whose Web site is this? 这是谁的网站?
Task 2
I'm going to give you five minutes to freely explore this Web site. You may go anywhere you would like to go on the Web site, but please remember to speak aloud as you do so. I will tell you when the five minutes are up. 我会给你五分钟自由浏览这个网站。你可以去网站上任何你想去的地方,不过记得说出来。时间到的时候我会告诉你
Task 3
Your friend Kevin mentions hearing about something called "the Web Accessibility Initiative" but he isn't sure what it is. Using this Web site, determine whether or not it contains information that would address Kevin's question. 你的朋友Kevin提到听过“网页可及性措施”但并不清楚具体是什么。用这个网站,找出是否有能够解决Kevien问题的信息
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 4
Your team at work is developing a Web site and you have some concerns about how accessible the Web site might be to persons with disabilities. Using this Web site, determine whether or not it contains general hints about what Web developers need to know about Web accessibility. 你工作的团队整在开发一个网站,而你需要考虑对残疾人可及性要做到怎样的程度。用这个网站找出是否有WEB开发人员需要了解的与网页可及性相关的要点提示
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 5
A few of your colleagues are interested in finding out how to be a part of WAI's effort to develop guidelines for Web accessibility. Using this Web site, determine whether or not opportunities exist for becoming involved in WAI guideline development. 一些你的同事对怎样加入WAI开发网页可及性指南有兴趣。用这个网站找出是否有机会加入WAI的指南开发
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 6
You have just been handed a report, generated by a Web accessibility evaluation tool, which informs you that your company Web site contains graphs that do not meet "Checkpoint 1.1." 你刚提交了通过网页可及性评估工具生成的一个报告,其中说你们公司的网站含有不满足“要点1.1”的图表
Using this Web site, a) determine what Checkpoint 1.1 is, and b) determine an appropriate strategy for representing these complex pictures. 用这个网站 a)找出要点1.1是什么 b)找出合适的表现这些复杂图片的策略
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 7
Your company is revising the online forms on its Web site. Find specific information on how to make the online forms accessible. 你的公司正在修正网站的在线表单。找出怎样让在线表单可及的详细信息
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 8
A company with many global divisions and Web sites in many languages has asked for your opinion on how Web accessibility laws differ around the world. Using this Web site, determine whether or not it contains relevant information. 一个有很多全球分部和多种语言网站的企业向你征询全球各地可行性法律的不同。用这个网站找出是否有相关的信息
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 9
You have been invited to be a presenter at a local conference on Web accessibility. Find information on this Web site that you would want to use to help you prepare your talk. 你被邀请在一个当地的网页可及性会议上演讲。在这个网站上你会用来帮助你演讲的信息
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
Task 10
The company division you work in is responsible for making sure that your corporate Web site is accessible. How can your team use the WAI Web site to determine the accessibility of your company Web site? 你在公司工作的部门负责保证公司网站的可及性。你们的团队会怎样使用WAI网站来定义你们公司网站的可及性?
When you feel you have completed this task, please say so. 若你觉得完成了任务,请告诉我
出处:Ami's homepage
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